Monika Peters

I feel an instant kinship with Monika Peters. The first day she enters the doors of GICC to be our new band director, I know we will be friends. Monika Peters It's because she's tall. To be exact, she's the same height I am. We look at each other eye to eye - a rare novelty for both of us - and in that space of time I know she knows what I know. About being taller than every boy in middle school. About having to wear boy clothes because the girl stuff never reaches our long limbs. About finally embracing who we are. "After all that awkwardness, I got to college," she reflects, "and I thought, Wow! Being tall is great!" Her enviable model thinness makes even a pair of jeans seem elegant. If that isn't enough, she's multi-talented. This last month she performs in GILT's "A Little House Christmas" as the difficult Mrs. Olson. She enjoys acting and performing in various venues, but her real love is music. Music, Monika Pe...