Father Jim Golka

Father Jim Golka Jimmy Golka was just 12-years-old and starting his first day at Central Catholic. One of ten children and no stranger to a little rough housing, Jimmy was nonetheless terrified when a group of seniors - all of them his oldest brother Ron's friends - yelped loudly in the hallway, grabbed him by his feet, and dangled him head first over the second floor stairwell of the old school. And that was the day he decided to become a priest. No, not really. It was the day, however, that for one shining moment Jimmy Golka was the coolest kid in his entire class. Even abject terror was worth the heady feeling of being revered by his classmates. He's still revered today as a parish pastor who ministers to his trusting flock at St. Mary's Cathedral, and those of us who have known him since he was a kid still think he's the coolest cat around. The fourth of ten children, Jim remembers growing up under the watchful care of his parents Bob and Patty Golka. F...