Zach Cloud and Chloe Cloud

Cloud family from left: Zach, Tim, Kaylee, Chloe, Karen and Brandon Zach Cloud is the loveliest boy. He'll cringe when he reads this and wish I'd used any other adjective. Too bad. Let him start up his own blog. To me he's lovely. Everybody else around here thinks so, too. Last fall when he was crowned Homecoming King by the student body, Zach stepped shyly forward to tumultuous applause from Grand Island Central Catholic kids and fans and beamed his sweet smile. Everybody - teachers and students - adores him and loves his determined and competitive spirit. The kid runs cross country and track like a demon, but in class he's quiet and thoughtful and works hard for straight A's. And he's funny. Lord, the kid is funny. His sister Chloe - a tall, slender, beautiful junior - smiles with wide open warmth just like her big brother. People love her, too. Already a college recruited volleyball player, Chloe loses herself completely on the volleyball and basketball cour...