George Ayoub

George Ayoub is a no-good, double-crossing traitor. Just when we think we have him for good at GICC, Hastings College snaps him up. Of course they do. Why wouldn't they? You can hardly blame Hastings. After all, George could tell them thank you, but no thank you. "My life's blood is at Central Catholic," he could say. He might mention all the good friends he's made - friends he'd never think of abandoning. But no. He has to go and be an academic advisor at Hastings College. And that's because he's a no-good, double-crossing traitor. The trouble is, as traitors go, he's a pretty stellar guy. I become acquainted with George many years ago, but it's not until he invites me to join a talented little group of Grand Island writers that we become friends. For the past decade or so, we scribble stories and poems and essays and gather - sometimes sporadically - once a month to read our words aloud to each other. It's a daunting, soul-baring busin...