Father Donald O'Brien

Father Donald O'Brien One day after he volunteered to pour a little cement at Blessed Sacrament, my husband John came home to assure me he was Father O'Brien's favorite person in the world. This wasn't remotely true because I, of course, was Father O'Brien's favorite. At least I thought I was until I realized my friends Hugh Brandon and Julie Kayl seemed to have the impression Father O'Brien liked them best. Then Dave Mildenstein, our school janitor, said he was pretty sure Father O'Brien was especially attached to him. Either our pastor Don O'Brien loved every single one of us best, or the guy was the most fraudulent con-artist alive. I shouldn't have been surprised. After he performed my wedding and the weddings of most of my sisters, I overheard him speaking at the reception to my sister Terri whose ceremony he'd just celebrated. He didn't know I was just behind him with my other sisters, but I heard him say very distinctly, "Of...