Mrs. Peg Ley

Bob and Peg Ley Every girl who graduated from Central Catholic in the 60's, 70's or 80's had one vital aspiration: to be just like Mrs. Ley. GICC's business teacher for a quarter of a century, Peg Ley was tall and lovely and always dressed to the nines. Her makeup, hair and jewelry were flawless. More than that, she loved us. Mrs. Ley truly believed every one of her students was the most exceptional child ever born - second only to her own son R.J. Peg's beauty radiated from the inside out. Back in the late 50's when she was a young wife and mother, she was even voted the Mrs. Nebraska state runner-up - an honor for which she was awarded a brand new gas stove and dryer. In the words of the late Bill Dunn, Peggy's former student and managing editor of the Grand Island Independent , Peg Ley was "the most beautiful woman in Grand Island, Nebraska." Even now, Bill's words rattle her. "I don't want you to write that," she orders me....