Michael Erives
Central Catholic senior Michael Erives Michael Erives does a wicked impression of his history teacher, Mr. Howard - who also happens to be my husband. It is, in fact, so spot on that I laugh hard enough to fall out of my chair. So do his classmates who are witnesses to Michael's performance in my language arts classroom. "Please excuse me," he pretends to be an increasingly apoplectic Mr. Howard. "How rude of me to lecture while you're trying to SHARPEN YOUR PENCIL." Michael is small and compact and looks nothing like Mr. Howard, but somehow he captures the essence of my towering six and half foot husband barking relentlessly at students. This kid should be on television, I think. He's one of the most talented students I've ever taught. But there's not a chance Michael will ever appear in front of a camera. Instead, he'll be the guy behind the camera - creating the kind of magic that we've all come to practically take for granted here ...