GICC 50th High School Reunion

First row, sitting from left: Dianne Davis Ziller, Barb Venhaus Beck, Dan Slattery, Susie Vogel Schutt, Barb Kosinski Bosak. Middle row from left: Tony Wassinger, Karen Pfeifer Robison, Terry Paustian Buck, Jean Fitzpatrick. Last row from left: Tom Moore, Willy Mohr, Greg Walz, Patty Buhrman McBride, Cathy Brown Howard, Geri Koziol Zaruba, Lenny Sorahan. Grand Island Central Catholic Class of 1973 I was hoping to lose 20 pounds before my high school reunion. But it turns out I'm tired. So now, having given up all hope of a leaner, meaner version of my 68-year-old self, I sit in the lobby of Grand Island Central Catholic. Not only was I a student in this old school, but I've also been a teacher for 47 years. In truth I've never lived anywhere in my life as long as I've lived at GICC. On this warm September afternoon I'm waiting for my visiting classmates to arrive for a tour of their alma mater. It occurs to me that not once in this last half century have I ever sat...